Emily Kurth is the Owner of Coco and June located in Morgantown, West Virginia. After a life-altering diagnosis, Kurth found ways to reduce her stress. She picked up a paintbrush, then Coco & June was born.
Coco & June’s creates uplifting art, inspiring others to live peaceful and happy lives.
Kurth hosts the Frazzled to Free Retreat. There, she lends advice with small business owners. She shares her five-step plan for handling stress in a healthy, effective way.
Also, a wife and mother to three boys, Kurth is a Morgantown native and proud to have her business in her home state.
Kurth talked with Jim Matuga, the host of The Positively West Virginia Podcast. Learn more about her business, and how Coco & June radiates positivity in the community.
What is your 30-second pitch?
“I am an abstract painter. I paint with acrylic paints on canvases then I also take those paintings and create prints out of them if you were wanting something smaller. A lot of my painting has one to five words on them, I always try to go for the really positive messages that are heartfelt.
Not all of my paintings have words on them but they are meant to make you feel better when you look at them. I also do some apparel that is designed, hand-lettered and drawn by me,” said Kurth.
How did you get the name, Coco and June?
“I originally started with a partner and friend, Liza Heiskell. We could not decide on a name, so Coco was a dog that she had growing up and June is my favorite month,” said Kurth.
Do you have a shop? 
“I have an online shop and ship directly from my basement, that is where I get a lot of my business. However, I also sell four times a year at The Handcrafted Cooperative,” said Kurth.
What’s one of the biggest challenges you face?
“I would say trying to figure everything out, but I have also realized that I do not need to know everything right away,” said Kurth.
What is the one thing you do every day that contributes to your success?
“I meditate every single day and it has changed the way my brain reacts to situations. It has also helped me with focus and concentration,” said Kurth.
What is your philosophy on leadership as a leader in the community?
“I feel like leaders need to be uplifting and that all goes along with the theme of my business. I think that you need to let people come in, help them feel welcome, and lift them up,” advised Kurth.
- RECOMMENDED BOOK: A Woman’s Guide for Making Money Doing What She Loves by Christy Wright and Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen by Donald Miller
- PIECE OF ADVICE: “You can do it! Get yourself a community,” advised Kurth.