Reducing One Cloth At A Time – Gina’s Soft Cloth Shop

Aug 31, 2020 | Entrepreneurs, Positively West Virginia, Retail

Gina Jordan and Victoria Kesner are co-owners of Gina’s Soft Cloth Shop in Romney, WV. All of their products are cut, sewn, finished, packed and shipped directly from their shop. They make reusable products such as paperless towels and baby wipes that they sell in their physical shop, online, through Amazon and wholesale to other stores. All of their products are eco friendly and are designed to help keep trash out of landfills.

Gina Jordan and Victoria Kesner were guests on The Positively West Virginia Podcast. They talked with podcast host, Jim Matuga, about their successful business in Romney, West Virginia.

What is your 30-second pitch for The Soft Cloth Shop?

“We make paperless products that you can use in place of paper towels, napkins, baby wipes, etc. Anything you can use a paper product for, you can use our cloth product instead in order to help save the environment and save some money,” said Victoria.

What is the secret to selling your handmade products on Amazon?

“You have to know your target market by researching and thinking about who your market is. Our market is targeted towards eco-friendly moms or people who are tired of buying paper towels and throwing them away. A lot of people made the switch during COVID-19 around March and April when paper products were hard to come by. You also need to know your key words or the correct search terms on Amazon,” stated Gina.

When was your business tagged in a post on Amazon’s Instagram?

“Amazon released the post in January of 2020, when they showcased their nine products of  2019,” said Victoria.

What is the long term vision you have for The Soft Cloth Shop?

“Just to take over the world. We have sold paperless towels to every continent except Antarctica, and we have sold to countries we did not even know existed. We have also sold wholesale to countries like Germany, Tazmania, Australia and a lot of places here in the United States. We are so pleased and thankful that this kind of thing can happen here in West Virginia,” said Gina.

Gina and Victoria were guests on the Positively West Virginia Podcast. Listen to the full podcast here.


  • RECOMMENDED BOOK: Cracking The Flourishing Code by Sammuel P. Black III and Profit First by Mike Michalowicz.
  • PIECE OF ADVICE: “Continuously try hard to reach the market that your product is after and do not give up,” advised Victoria.

This article was written by the InnerAction Media staff.

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